Saturday, August 20, 2011

Hectic crazy week!!!!!

It seems like this week has just been crazy! first, I had the high and middle schoolers start their week. And the mini-me's are still in the toddler/wobbler range,so their preschool is already back too. So that's 5 down.

Nadav was supposed to start kindergarten this week. but we made him wait a year. with his medical needs and having to adjust to his implants the confusion of kindergarten would be too much. And he's already hard to deal with!!!! Well he's not, but his issues are. 

On Thursday he got his implants. He hates the noise so much that he tried to pull his ears off. Poor kid. for five years his brain has interpreted little or no sound, so he really has no filters to figure out what all that chaos around him is. And OF COURSE he's hypersensitive to sound. why wouldn't he be? He's hypersensitive to everything else!!!!!Poor munchkin. While he's in hospital and having other people taking care of him, I can say that. When he's at home and we have the sharp objects hidden, not so much.

And now Tadgh has managed to end up in the ER too. He ran a temp of over 102 for a while last night. NOT good for a 1 month old. Today he's snapped back to his bouncing ,head butting self though So whatever it was, its gone now. Crossing fingers it stays that way and no one else gets sick.

And I started work this week. Love it. =)

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